Why P-3 Life?

Because a recent survey was conducted, whereby the participants were asked...

"If you could ask God one question, what would it be?"

The number one question was...

"God; why am I here? What was I created for?"

If you have lived long enough to have experienced love and loss, failure and success, victory and defeat; then it is inevitable that you've pondered or even proclaimed the question..."God; what am I here for?!"

P-1 (Purpose)

Purpose - The reason something exists

All humanity's general purpose is to glorify God. God's glory is His reputation. God is a healer, a deliverer, a way-maker, a provider, a friend, a forgiver, a restorer, and so on, and so on. So; when we glorify God; we in essence, demonstrate God's reputation through our own lives. Therefore, our particular purpose is to glorify God through our individual and unique talents and gifting. We are to be someone's healer, deliverer, way-maker, provider, friend, forgiver and restorer. After all; why else would God make man in His image and likeness, unless we were to function in the earth to glorify Him? Check out Psalm 86:8-12

P-2 (Power)

Power - Capacity, ability, strength

Stated simply and plainly...Power is our ability to make a difference; in a situation, a life, a moment, a marriage, a business, a family, etc.

When we come to understand our purpose, it becomes natural to walk in Power! We become difference makers by employing our difference. God says in Deuteronomy 8:18 that he gave us power to get wealth. (I paraphrased). Understand; our power is our difference! Our difference was given for the purpose of solving particular problems in the earth. When we use our difference to address the needs of others, others will pour blessings into our bosoms.

P-3 (Prosperity)

Prosperity - A wealthy or prosperous condition of living

Money is not a miracle; nor is it something we should pray for. Money is simply a reward for a problem solved. So; don't pray for money...pray for opportunities to be used to solve someone else's problems. The great physician Luke stated in chapter 6:38 - "give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom."

Hidden within our purpose is a gift that is to be shared with humanity. When we learn to share our gifting, we begin to walk a life of power (a life of difference); and that difference can produce a prosperous and wealthy condition of living.

Are you ready for a P-3 Life?

Well; God is certainly ready for you to live it!

Tune in tomorrow for steps to live a P-3 Life!!!!!

Have An Awesome Day,
