Why we pray. Prayer is necessary for those who are seeking to have a stronger relationship with God. A person's prayer time begins with the motivations to grow in Christ. It is not a one way communication from the person to God, but it is a two way communication between that person and God. Prayer does many things for those who are seeking the face of God: Prayers come from people who simply enjoy talking to God (1 Sam. 3:14). Prayers are filled joy anguish, and every emotion in between (James 5:1-16). Prayers reveal the strength and weaknesses of those communing with God (Isaiah 40:31). James said that all prayer, no matter what type of problems or situations that may be occurring, should be prayed from faith (James 5:13-18.) Fervent prayer does not have to come from the pastor or leadership, it can come from anyone who want to know God and loves God. Paul says we should pray without ceasing. If you need prayer, we would love to be in agreement with you.