Universal Purpose and Your Unique Purpose

Universal Purpose vs. Unique Purpose

Universal Purpose

“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and thou shall glorify me.” Psalm

50:15 {emphasis are mine}

Each and every human being’s universal purpose is to glorify God. Whether you understand it

or not. Whether you know God or not. Whether you agree with me or not. You see, God is the

creator (the manufacturer) of all the human race; and because of this fact, we are all required to

live a life that brings credence to the Creator’s intention. Glorify means to bring reverent

attention to someone’s honor, fame and/or reputation. So; to glorify God, is to live a life that

reflects God’s fame, God’s honor and God’s reputation.

There is absolutely no failure; no insufficiency; no sickness; no sadness...in God. As a result,

when we live lives that are aligned with his reputation; it means we are living lives that are filled

with victory, abundance, health and happiness.

When you succeed, when you win, when you recover, when you smile, when you achieve; when

you forgive, when you love; you actually glorify God!

Consider an automobile manufacturer. An auto-maker’s name and reputation are enhanced and

strengthened when the products it manufactures have the distinction of performing exceedingly

well. And as long as the vehicles are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s intended

purpose, the cars and trucks should provide pleasure to both the producer and the end-user.

But to the contrary, when a car is used to haul heavy loads; when a two-seater coupe serves as

a family school bus; when a luxury sedan doubles as an off-road path-finder, disappointment is

the inevitable end-result. The manufacturer’s name gets smeared, when in fact, it was misuse

on the part of the end-user and not the manufacturer. Therefore; it is the company’s greatest

desire that the vehicles exiting its assembly line always function according to plan and at the

highest capability. After all; to do so, brings glory to the name of the manufacturer. And when the

manufacturers name is highly touted, more people began to demand what the manufacturer has

to offer.

When it comes to you and what you produce with your life, God desires; no, let me rephrase...

God NEEDS you to live (to perform) purposefully, powerfully, successfully, abundantly and

prosperously. When you do so, you bring glory to his name. And as a result, others began to

desire to partake of what God has to offer.

Unique Purpose

Now that you understand that your Universal Purpose is to glorify God, let’s look more in-depth

into how you are to accomplish this. You bring glory to God by functioning in your Unique

Purpose. Your unique purpose is that area of gifting, talent and/or assignment that is particular

to you and how you’re built.

When you examine the prior illustration of the auto manufacturer, it becomes easy to embrace

the idea of Unique Purpose. For example; you have BMW, which is an individual manufacturer,

that produces many different models within its line of cars and sport utility vehicles. Each model,

though it carries BMW’s name, has an intended purpose that is vastly diverse. BMW produces 2

door, 4 door, sports cars, sedans, wagons, 6, 8 and 12 cylinder engines as well as SUVs of

various sizes. Each model is designed for a unique purpose to address a particular need in the


In like fashion God created all mankind, and all of humanity carries his name. However; you

were made with unique gifts, talents, abilities and assignments. Nobody can do what you do, the

way that you do it. Nobody! You’re unique and so is your purpose.

It is imperative that you come to understand and operate in your Unique Purpose; and this

section of the book is designed to help you do just that. Following are a battery of questions that

will assist you to discover your Unique Purpose. In order to take full advantage of this process,

please get in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Really give thought to the questions.

Be sure to answer honestly...not how you think I want you to. Let’s get started.

Purpose-Identifying Questions

1). What am I extremely good at doing?

2). What do I find the greatest fulfillment doing?

3). What have I been trained to do?

4). What do others often call on me to do?

5). If I could fix ONE thing in the world, what would it be?

6). If I knew I could not fail, what would I do to fix the ONE thing?

7). If I had all the money I needed, what would I do for free?

8). Ask a close friend or relative to describe how they see your unique difference.

9). Ask a close friend or relative to describe how they see your area of passionate interest.

10). Ask a close friend or relative to describe how they see you impacting the world.

After completing the questions, take some time and sit quietly while pondering each response.

Be careful not to undo or think-away your answers. I’ve discovered that landing upon one’s

purpose is easy. However; overcoming the fear that prevents one from living from purpose is the

real challenge. Fight the fear that leads to stagnation.

Now, Simply decree...

Looking For Purpose. Day 1

What Is My Purpose?

Discover The Reason You Exist

Purpose, according to dictionary.com, is defined as “the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.”

Every single thing that has ever been created in the world has a purpose. Including YOU!

However; a group of approximately 1,000 people were asked this question. “If you could ask God one thing, what would it be?” Can you guess what the overwhelming number of respondents said? Let me help you. The majority stated that they would ask God this… “Why Am I Here?”, “What Is My Purpose?” Understanding your purpose (the reason you exist) is by far the number one question you must answer if you hope to have any chance at an amazing life.

Food for Thought!

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States spends nearly $600 Billion per year obtaining postsecondary degrees. That’s a LOT OF JACK! But, there’s a problem. Anne Nova, a reporter with CNBC, wrote that more than 40% of college graduates take a job out of school that doesn’t require a degree. In addition, ten years later, three-quarters of graduates who took jobs that didn’t require a degree ended up in the same spot. Even worse, they were earning $10,000 a year less than their counterparts who started in jobs that required a degree.

What’s the gist of it?

Lots of money is being spent on degrees that are not even being used. But why? Because too many individuals are pursuing degrees and not enough are pursuing their purpose.

The purpose of a thing is always determined by the creator of the thing. You and I are created in the image and likeness of God. Put another way…we are God’s highest form of creation. Therefore; this first day is dedicated to helping you discover your God-ordained purpose. Here we go!

Do you Love it?

A P-3 Life is a Life you Love living!!!

If you've ever thought, "there has to be more to life than this"...then today's post is just for you. You see; the key to getting more out of life, is to simply know - what it is you want out of life. In other words; when you look at your life, ask yourself...

"What would I love?"

What would you LOVE in your:

Spiritual life?

Physical life?



Take some time today to write it down. Whatever it is!

Don't short-change yourself by thinking that what you would love in all the fore-mentioned areas is impossible to achieve. Remember this...

"The only limit in your life, is the limit in your own thinking."

Before you can ever achieve it...you have to be able to conceive it (in your mind's eye). Whatever you are able to hold in your head, you will eventually hold in your hands.

Would you love to live a more focused, dedicated life to God?

Then write down what that would look like for you...and think on it EVERYDAY!

Do you have a Physical condition of life you would love to live?

Then write down the vision of it. What it looks like?

And then...meditate on it...EVERYDAY!

How would you love your finances to look?

Millions in the bank?


The ability to travel at will?

Homes in multiple cities?

Then write it down, and rehearse it in your mind...EVERYDAY!

What would you love your relationships to be?




Pen it...see them finished in your mind...and then think on them - EVERYDAY!

Here's a quick hint:

Whatever you write (that you would LOVE) should give you a feeling of joy and excitement when you close your eyes and envision it.

If you don't get that...you're not thinking BIG enough!

Remember...NO LIMITS!!!!!

Are you ready for a P-3 Life?

God is certainly ready for you to live it!

Tune in tomorrow for more steps to live a P-3 Life!!!!!

Why P-3 Life?

Because a recent survey was conducted, whereby the participants were asked...

"If you could ask God one question, what would it be?"

The number one question was...

"God; why am I here? What was I created for?"

If you have lived long enough to have experienced love and loss, failure and success, victory and defeat; then it is inevitable that you've pondered or even proclaimed the question..."God; what am I here for?!"

P-1 (Purpose)

Purpose - The reason something exists

All humanity's general purpose is to glorify God. God's glory is His reputation. God is a healer, a deliverer, a way-maker, a provider, a friend, a forgiver, a restorer, and so on, and so on. So; when we glorify God; we in essence, demonstrate God's reputation through our own lives. Therefore, our particular purpose is to glorify God through our individual and unique talents and gifting. We are to be someone's healer, deliverer, way-maker, provider, friend, forgiver and restorer. After all; why else would God make man in His image and likeness, unless we were to function in the earth to glorify Him? Check out Psalm 86:8-12

P-2 (Power)

Power - Capacity, ability, strength

Stated simply and plainly...Power is our ability to make a difference; in a situation, a life, a moment, a marriage, a business, a family, etc.

When we come to understand our purpose, it becomes natural to walk in Power! We become difference makers by employing our difference. God says in Deuteronomy 8:18 that he gave us power to get wealth. (I paraphrased). Understand; our power is our difference! Our difference was given for the purpose of solving particular problems in the earth. When we use our difference to address the needs of others, others will pour blessings into our bosoms.

P-3 (Prosperity)

Prosperity - A wealthy or prosperous condition of living

Money is not a miracle; nor is it something we should pray for. Money is simply a reward for a problem solved. So; don't pray for money...pray for opportunities to be used to solve someone else's problems. The great physician Luke stated in chapter 6:38 - "give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom."

Hidden within our purpose is a gift that is to be shared with humanity. When we learn to share our gifting, we begin to walk a life of power (a life of difference); and that difference can produce a prosperous and wealthy condition of living.

Are you ready for a P-3 Life?

Well; God is certainly ready for you to live it!

Tune in tomorrow for steps to live a P-3 Life!!!!!

Have An Awesome Day,



Watch your Words

In relationships (especially marriages) words are powerful. In fact...they are literally creative. What you speak (habitually) about your marriage, ultimately manifests. Therefore; today, craft a new vision for your marriage. No longer see it for what it is today...instead, begin to see the unlimited greatness that it can yield.Now speak! Call your marriage renewed; speak winning words concerning your spouse; prophesy long-life to your union; never, ever, ever speak the "D" word (divorce). After all; your words are creative. Whatever condition your marriage is in; most likely it is only a reflection of what you have called it.

"And whatsover Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof." -

Genesis 2:19

Be Fruitful

Despite popular teaching, being fruitful is not about gaining, accumulating and winning at the game of life. To the contrary; in the beginning, when man was created in the image and likeness of God, and given the directive to "Be Fruitful", God was dealing with what was to come FROM man, not what was to come TOman.

Fruitfulness is a natural manifestation, of a spiritual seed. For, from every seed, comes fruit. Because we possess the Holy Spirit (God's seed), we are admonished to "Be Fruitful." And the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Meekness, Temperance and Faith.So; today...give your fruit away. After all, the more you give...the more you'll receive!